IMID 2025

25th International Meeting on Information Displays
COEX, Seoul, Korea

DFF trifft sich zum 2. Focus Meeting und wählt neuen Vorstand

Am 6. und 7. Juli traf sich das DFF (Deutsches Flachdisplay-Forum e.V.) zum zweiten Focus Meeting des Jahres und zur Mitgliederversammlung mit Vorstandswahl in Kronberg im Taunus. Nach zwei Jahren Pandemie hatten die Displayexperten das physische Treffen sehnlichst erwartet. Beim Focus Meeting drehte sich diesmal alles um Light Generation and Processing in Displays and Lighting Applications for the Next Generation. Gastgeber des Treffens war der LED-Hersteller Nichia Europe GmbH

DFF Member Assembly


After two and a half years of DFF online meetings our 2nd Focus meeting will take place on July 6th/7th, 2022 in Kronberg, very close to Frankfurt. It is dedicated to “Light Generation and Processing in Displays and Lighting Applications“

The host will be Nichia Europe GmbH.

The meeting will be preceded by a Member Assembly with the election of the DFF board.

PFAS restrictions by EU: display industry affected


The EU is committed to phasing out all per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). However, if PFAS cannot be demonstrably replaced in certain products and their use is essential for society, exemptions are possible.

The DFF (Deutsches Flachdisplay-Forum e.V.) therefore recommends that the use of PFASs be carefully examined to be able to act on exemptions in time. Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances are a large family of synthetic chemicals. They are used in many areas, among other things because of their heat-stable and water- and grease-repellent properties. In particular, they are used in aerospace, defense, automotive, textile (leather and clothing), construction, household, electronics, firefighting, food processing and medical products. They are also used in display technology: for example, all liquid crystals for IPS and FFS displays contain PFAS to ensure proper functioning.

Official EU information can be found at: