Working Groups

Working Group Switchable Privacy

  • Open community, where experts exchange and discuss challenges in switchable privacy of displays
  • Gather all relevant topics, such as optical properties and parameters for test and analysis
  • This WG will developing a DFF Switchable Privacy Specification.


Donald Schaffer, Dexerials Europe B.V., Prof. Karlheinz Blankenbach, University of Pforzheim

Presentation of the Kick-Off Meeting of new DFF Working Group „Switchable Privacy Displays“, October 23rd, 2024, see Members Area

HALO Working Group

  • The HALO effect massively affects visual quality of displays.
  • We strive to establish a HALO specification suitable to become as a worldwide standard for the automotive industry. 
  • Our goal is to define a test method that depicts how to measure HALO for the various display technologies for automotive applications – and beyond.


Donald Schaffer, Dexerials Europe B.V.

Working Group System Integration

  • Components always interact – This interaction affects optics, electrics, mechanics & thermal load
  • We want to set up a framework of definitions and procedures for assemblies and modules as we did it for displays.
  • Based on the OEM Spec this WG will add the items you feel are due (or overdue!) being defined.
  • We are open for automotive, industrial, POI/POS, home automation and other applications.


Klaus Wammes, Wammes & Partner GmbH